Myth #7: Water Contamination

Myth: “Fracking has never contaminated drinking water.”

Fact: There are hundreds of cases of people having their private drinking water supplies contaminated by the fracking industry, particularly those who have their own boreholes.

“Fracking threatens drinking water. Cases of drinking water contaminated by drilling activities, as well as waste disposal, are now proven. These include research studies conducted in Pennsylvania addressing the pathways of contamination and hundreds of documented drinking water contamination cases.” – Physicians for Social Responsibility

A recent investigation found that the Department of Environmental Protection in Pennsylvania has been routinely covering up hundreds of complaints about contamination of drinking water. This can be caused by leaking wells, chemical spills, blowouts, flood damage, waste water disposal and underground migration of methane and other toxic chemicals.

“Evidence linking water contamination to fracking–related activities is now indisputable.” – Concerned Health Professionals NY